my fav tech device

 i probably would say that my fav tech device is the cellphone other options was any videogame console, or a pc but those two can be replaced with a phone not completly but in a big portion the cellphone can, i honestly use my phone for everything or almost everything like watch movies and series in streaming plataforms, to chek univesity things or talk with my friends and family. 

this afect my life probably is diferent that the life of my parents or my granparents but i think thats is in a good way cuz this let me know so much thing that in the past was dificult to know also make me stay in contact with my family and friends even if i cant see they in person, obviusly i would say that you need to control your time with technology cuz if  your device afect the way you relate with others in a bad way you will need help so i recommend the cellphone yes but never without selfcontrol cuz like every tech piece or advance someone can use it with bad intentions 

my cellphone


  1. Interesting, could you spend a week without your cell phone?

  2. Nice phone, I like the colour jej. And yes, always the people need to put an eye over what want or do with the pieces of technology.


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