a person I admire in my field

hi today i will talk about Alejandro Aravena a expert in mi field that i admire obviously the first question is because I admire him, well one of the reasons is that I feel that he showed internationally that architecture in Chile is a discipline with much to contribute, one of the things he has done and that i admire to is a low cost houses with the the concept of "Progressive Housing"this tipe of houses allows the people to expands their houses when they have the money and in the time they collet and save this money they can lived in a house that cover all the basic necessity.

another thing that i admire is that he wins the pritsker prize this is the biggest award in architecture.

"Progressive Housing"

receiving the pritsker prize

Now i will leave a short biography   

Name: Alejandro Gastón Aravena Mori 

Birthday: 22 june 1967 (55 years)

family: their parents are teachers, Now he is divorced and has trhee childs 

Study: he studied in the Colegio aleman after gradueted he studied architecture in the universidad catolica also has a postgrade in the Universidad IUAV de Venecia

Occupation: architect and university professor

  • Pritzker Prize, 2016 (most importan award in the field)
  • Medalla de Arquitectura Erich Schelling 2006 (Alemania)
  • Premio global de arquitectura sustentable 200821
  • León de Plata 2008 en la Venice Architecture Biennale
  • Premio Avonni a la Innovación 2009
  • Premio de Diseño Curry Stone 2010
  • Premio Marcus de Arquitectura.
  • Título de Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
  • Premio Charles Jencks 2018, granted by the Royal Institute of British Architect (RIBA)

Thats all for today hope you liked!


  1. I did not know the architect and less this proposal, I think it is very interesting


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